Status Serwera Online --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nazwa Servera: MuDeLuXe Wersja: Max il. Graczy Online: 200 Godziny dzialania: 24/7 Dedykowany: Nie Zagraniczny: Tak IP: Port: 44405 Strona: LINK Forum: LINK Rejestracja: LINK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KONFIGURACJA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exp: 9999 Drop: 100 BB: TAK HP Mobów: 70 Reset: 350 Eventy: Zależy od Admina Zen Party Bug: NIE Potion Bug: NIE Shadow Bug NIE Gildia: 220 MG: Od 250 poziomu DL: nie ma Max level Itemka: +11 +28 Kasowanie Postaci: do 40 levelu Serca etc: są --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUNKTY ZA LVL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DK: 5 / 6 DW: 5 / 6 Elf: 5 / 6 MG: 7 DL: 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JEWEL SUCCES RATE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bless: 100 % Soul: 50 % Soul + luck: 75 % Life: 70 % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAOS MACHINE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +10 : 85 % +11 : 60 % +12 : 67 % +13 : 67 % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CENY JEWELI --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bless: 9000000 zen Soul: 7000000 zen Chaos: 600000 zen Life: 45000000 zen Creation: 36000000 zen
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INWAZJE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golden Goblin: co 30 min Golden Taikan: co 30 min Golden Dragon: co 30 min Golden Lizard: co 30 min Golden Tantalos: co 30 min BOK+1: sety silk,pad,bone,scale,vine,bronze+odpowiedniki BOK+2: sety wind,plate,brass,spirit,sphinx. BOK+3: //Excellent Ring of Ice //Excellent Ring of Poison //Excellent Ring of Fire //Excellent Ring of Earth //Excellent Ring of Wind //Excellent Ring of Magic //Excellent Pedant of Ice //Excellent Pendant of Wind //Excellent Pendant of Water //Excellent Pendant of Ability //Excellent Lightning Sword //Excellent Giant Sword //Excellent Sword of Destruction //Excellent Crescent Axe //Excellent Crystal Morning Star //Excellent Crystal Sword //Excellent Elemental Mace //Excellent Battle Scepter //Excellent Master Scepter //Excellent Silver Bow //Excellent Bluewing Crossbow //Excellent Aquagold Crossbow //Excellent Legendary Staff //Excellent Staff of Resurrection //Excellent Tower Shield //Excellent Serpent Shield //Excellent Elemental Shield Excellent Light Plate Armor //Excellent Light Plate Pants //Excellent Light Plate Gloves //Excellent Light Plate Boots //Excellent Light Plate Mask //Excellent Dragon Helm //Excellent Dragon Armor //Excellent Dragon Pants //Excellent Dragon Gloves //Excellent Dragon Boots //Excellent Guardian Helm //Excellent Gaurdian Armor //Excellent Gaurdian Pants //Excellent Guardian Gloves //Excellent Legendary Helm //Excellent Legendary Armor //Excellent Legendary Pants //Excellent Legendary Gloves //Excellent Legendary Boots
BOK+4: sety dark phonix,grand soul,divine,unicorn,+bronie BOK+5: sety gread dragon,hurricane,redspirit,darkSide,+bronie --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPOTY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lorencia: Smoczki 30 Pajączki 30 Noria: Scorpiony 20 Gobliny 20 Davias: Yeti 30 Stadium: Pełno w klatkach i poza klatkami :D Inne mapy (jakie): nie ma --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SKLEPY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lorencia: bar-all kamienie,potiony,wingi 1 lvl,item quest,zaproszenia do BC i DS kowal-set GD i Scale +11 i skille Noria: set dla elfa łuki +11 Davias: set dla all postaci +11 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVENTY I DODATKI --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BloodCastle: TAK DevilSquare: TAK ChaosCastle: NIE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Season 1) CastleSiege: NIE (Season 1) CryWolf: NIE (Season 2) Kanturu Event : NIE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Season 3) Ilussion Temple: NIE (Season 3) 3 klasa postaci i Quest: NIE (Season 3) Summoner: NIE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Season 3) Calmness Event: NIE (Season 3) SkillTree: NIE (Season 4) Reklion Event: NIE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADMINISTRACJA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head Admin - Enyce Admin Techniczny - Inni Admini - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Client: mirror1 - LINK mirror2 - LINK mirror3 - LINK Patch: mirror1 - LINK mirror2 - LINK mirror3 - LINK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Publikacja stworzona za pomoca generatora publikacji [by sobieh]